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Course Listings

2024 Fall > UGRD > EHS > EHS 440

Health Fitness Management

Course #: EHS 440

Students in this course study basic concepts, theories, and organizational management as applied to the field of health, fitness, and recreation. Concepts associated with facility operation, including organizational structure and function, program development and administration, marketing, human resource management, financial management, equipment purchasing and maintenance, information management, insurance issues, and legal considerations in the health and fitness industry are examined.
Pre Requisites:
Pre-requisite: EHS 300 (grade of C- or higher)EHS Students Only

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 13890 TuTh
12:30 - 1:45 pm
Alves,Beth-Anne Leo Wheatley W01-0045
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 09/03/2024 - 12/13/2024
Capacity: 26
Enrolled: 22
Status: Open
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite: EHS 300 (grade of C- or higher)EHS Students Only
Course Attributes: Non-degree exclude from list